「Rainbow counseling room」は、発達障害、HSC、HSP、アダルトチャイルド、鬱病の他、死にたいほど苦しい、どうしたらいいか分からない、そんな方たちの為の場所です。1人で、悩まないで、お話を、聞かせてください。そして、世界に、目を向けていきましょう。「Rainbow counseling room」is a place for people with developmental disabilities, HSCs, HSPs, adult children, depression, as well as those who are dying and don't know what to do. Don't worry alone, please tell us your story. And let's look at the world.


「Rainbow counseling room」は、いじめや不登校の悩みの相談や、発達障害や学習障害を抱えるお子様の親御様、または、ご本人様のご相談をお受けしています。

カウンセラー 豊田 博子は、あなたや子どもと一緒に、こころの力を引き出していくお手伝いをします。


We accept parents of children with bullying, school refusal, developmental disabilities or learning disabilities, or self-consultation.

   Hiroko Toyoda Counselors can help you and your child reach their hearts and minds.

   Why don't you consult with a counselor who is familiar with your child's growth, development and education to eliminate the worries and burdens of your child?  My child also has a developmental disability.  I have depression myself.  Now, I would like to give you some advice while thinking about what I can do.

相談室についてAbout the counseling room

相談室の特徴Features of the counseling room

カウンセラー紹介Counselor introduction

相談内容・料金Consultation content / fee

お問い合わせ・申込みInquiries / Applications